WVCBA is pleased to welcome Rich at Heart as a new member! Rich at Heart is a nonprofit that invests in youth with intellectual and physical disabilities and was founded by Roosevelt Bolden, a para-educator at Adolfo Camarillo High School. The organization provides opportunities for inclusion within the local community through educational and recreational activities. Services include job training as well as teaching daily life skills, interacting in social situations, and developing independence. Bolden shared more about Rich at Heart. How and when did the business get started?
I began Rich at Heart in April of 2019 after discovering a need for more inclusive activities for the youth and young adults with disabilities. I have worked with students with special needs for 12 years and know that I can help enrich the lives of both the general population and those with disabilities to create an inclusive community. What is the company's mission or motto? To provide a safe, hands-on, interactive, and diverse learning environment for youth and young adults with any type of disability. What’s one thing the business is known for over its competitors? It is unique in that I incorporate the general population with those with disabilities to interact together in one-of-a-kind recreational and educational events. Why did the business choose Ventura County as its location? As a resident of Ventura County, I realized the need for my organization to serve the special needs population through both recreational and educational events that are hosted by Rich at Heart annually. Are there any upcoming events you can tell us about? - October 28: Halloween Spooktacular in Camarillo - November 18: Rich at Heart Casino Night Fundraiser at the Ventura Yacht Club How can the community help the business? Support or volunteer at the events and fundraisers, and make donations at therichatheart.org. Please add any additional details or information you want readers to know. I am planning on hosting a semi-formal dance in February or March for high school and adult transition students. CONTACT Roosevelt Bolden, Executive Director, Rich at Heart www.therichatheart.org 8057945958 [email protected] Comments are closed.